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Posted by Simple Simon Group on 12:40 AM
We Build PEOPLE  PEOPLE Build Business
Agencry Management Basic Course ( ambc )

[I-BOSS] programme is designed to provide potential AMBC trainers with then fundamental understanding of conducting a class/training and ensuring high quality and professionalism in the delivery of training material. Participants will also have a better understanding of the training techniques and theories applicable to adult learning and administrative procedures of the respective AMCB courses . In this programme ,they will also gain a 'hands-on experience' on conducting AMBC classes.

We Build PEOPLE  PEOPLE Build Business
Agencry Management Training Class ( amtc )

Simple Simon in collaboration with [I-BOSS] international provides a skill-building course designed to improve vital proficiency in all areas critical to agency management. this programme is designed to help agency managers develop and enhance basic management skills in the critical areas of planing ,recruiting,selecting,training and performance management. It is also an excellent programme to develop specific skills in which agency heads and their management associates would benefit from a shared experience and action projects in the stations.